Saturday, February 5, 2011

Mitch Mustain Has Felony Drug Charges Dropped, Could Still Face Misdemeanor

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The Los Angeles Times reported Thursday that the Los Angeles County district attorney's office has declined to press charges against former USC quarterback Mitch Mustain.

Mustain was arrested Tuesday on suspicion of selling prescription narcotics, a felony. He was accused of selling Adderall to an undercover law enforcement officer. Adderall is an amphetamine.

But upon further toxicological examination of the substance, the medication Mustain, 22, was alleged to have sold was found to be "lisdexamfetamine dimesylate," which is legally not classified as a controlled substance.

Mustain could still have been prosecuted for attempting to pass off the substance as a controlled substance, which would still have been a felony regardless. But because Mustain has no prior criminal record, the county DA's office opted to send the case to the Los Angeles city attorney, who could still decide to press misdemeanor charges against Mustain, who was originally caught in an unspecified law enforcement sting operation.

"Given that Mustain has no record and that this is his first contact with law enforcement, it is appropriate that it be referred to the city attorney's office for misdemeanor consideration," officials wrote.


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