Wednesday, January 5, 2011

In Baseball Hall of Fame Voting, Only the Ballot Is Black and White

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It's Hall of Fame Election Day, or, as it's commonly understood on the web, Rip the BBWAA Day.

I suppose that's what's great about the Baseball Hall of Fame. People really care about it. They get all worked up and in a lather about who absolutely should have gotten in and who absolutely shouldn't.

Thing is, there are no absolutes in all of this.

I don't mind anyone having an opinion. The beauty of this is that everyone has an opinion. The problem, and what makes the voting process so frustrating for voters like me, is that so many people seem to believe that their opinion is the indisputable truth.

As someone who has now cast five Hall of Fame ballots, I can assure that there is very little that is black and white about that black-and-white ballot that comes in the mail every December. This year there were 33 names on there, and a reasonable person could make a case for electing or not electing about 20 of them.

These guys were all pretty damn good.


Luigi Anelli Marcel Ankone Hans Georg Anscheidt Alessandro Antonello Haruchika Aoki

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